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Reunion Run In 08?? It's a go!

"100 Miles, 10 Days, 8 Friends, 1 River, Zero Worries"

Looks like we will be adding a few more friends to the mix on this trip.  Should be fun for the rookies!!!



"Bam Bam"


"The Tank"




"Big O"




"Channel Cat"










The Dirty Devil River

Daily River Schedule

Packing List

SUWA link


Hit Counter

Hanksville Utah Links


Hanksville Home Page


Hanksville Facts


Dirty Devil River Topo Map


USGS River Data


Dirty Devil Water Shed Profile


Daily Stream Flow Statistics for  The Dirty Devil River


Peak Stream Flow For The Dirty Devil River


Duties for the 08' run!

There will be a reunion run in April 08!!


Tank-Trip Co-Coord. Gear/packing list, river schedule/camps

Bam Bam-Trip Co-Coord. & Photographer/video

Big O-SatCom and Utah logistics

Badger-First Aid & food..go metro, spirits OK

Bull-Bailing tools and Maps

Roller-Cinnamon Rolls...by the tons & cooking

Puggy-West Coast logistics coordinator/travel

Channel Cat-Southern states coordinator/travel and shirts

Little O-Trash Hauler/environmental steward

New Guy-Beverages

New Guy-Music

New Guy-Sunscreen

Our Trip Photos




Our Trip Photos 2008

(To Be Posted After The Trip)



Our Trip Photos 2006





In keeping with those who like to explore the outdoors and take advantage of what America's backcountry has to offer, we are going to document our experience down the Dirty Devil River in southeastern Utah. Our journey begins in Hanksville, Utah where we will drop into the Dirty Devil River, to immerse ourselves in one of the most unique "river travel experiences" to be found in the southwest.  When you take on an challenge like this it is very important to be prepared! On our site we will provide you with an accurate and detailed list of packing items and the products we used. We take safety seriously and so we will use only the best equipment we can acquire for this trip.  After all it is the Dirty Devil River.  The Dirty Devil River can test one's will and we hope that we can help you enjoy it with our detailed report of our experience and give you a better insight as to what you are up against by loading a bunch of our Dirty Devil River Photos on our sight.  Its all free so feel free to print away if you find one you like!


This website is an informational website aimed at fostering conscientious environmental stewardship of the Dirty Devil River Water Shed, its surrounding eco-systems and its numerous native American historical sites.  It's our hope this information will contribute to increased public awareness of an old American treasure...the Dirty Devil River. 


Another good source of information in the BLM office in Hanksville Utah. I talked to the biologist there about the Dirty Devil River and she was awesome. Here are the some of the quick hits... Camp where others have camped before, there is no need to cut any firewood (very true we found plenty on the ground), Be in good physical condition (no lie about that), take any pictures of the Mexican spotted owl if you see one or any other unusual animals that look out of place, and last of all leave it better than you found it! We would like to give a big thanks to them for the accurate information about the Dirty Devil River and its attributes.


The information listed on this site was accurate as of the time we noted the observations.  Be aware that this information may or may not be correct due to changing environmental conditions, water levels, rock slides etc.  Use prudence if planning your own trip, contact the most up-to-date sources of info on the area, and be prepared to adjust your plans for "ANY" contingency.  Your life may depend on it!

Do not rely on this site as your sole reference.


Legal Statement

The www.dirtydevilriverrun.com website is not a "paid" advertising website nor is it trading any services intended to generate any profits via the use of the Dirty Devil River. 

www.dirtydevilriverrun.com © 2007-2008 All Rights Reserved